Wednesday, September 30, 2009


My Order of Importance
  1. Natural Theory: a theory that people have basic rights given to them by nature or God.
  2. Self Determination: The right a nation has to be governed bu its people and not ler other nations influence her.
  3. Popular sovreignity: The concept that the political and legislative power is given to the citizens
  4. Social Agreement: An agreement where both the government and the community benefit.
  5. Right to Revolution: The right citizens have to overthrow their government


I choose to put natural theory first because it is the basic rights. And I think everyone should have basic right and there should be no discrimmination. Then I put self determination because a country should be responsible for itself since it is the peole of that country who have to endure the consequences. I put Popular sovreignity for the same reason. Social agreement is more important than Right to rovolution because having everyone benifit cam help the nation not have to overthrow their government.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What are different reasons why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco?

The first reason why Moroccans migrate away from Morocco is to recieve a better education. Morocco is a very underdevelopped countrywhich means in morocco we do not have money to have a high class education. So, Some wealthy people decide to move to a different country where the education is better. Secondly, there are more job opportunities elsewhere as well as more buissness opportunities. Finally people migrate from morocco for university because the universities in Morocco are really limiting.

Using ESPRAT, what are possible different groups and what are their reasons?

The first group is people who are going to colleges or universities. Also to be able to live out of Morocco you have to be rich because most of the time life is a lot cheaper in Morocco than in other countries.

Who is migrating to Morocco? Why?

Most of the people who migrate to morocco are going because of their parents job. Their parents job is transfering them to Morocco somehow. also some people come because as I said earlier life is a lot cheaper her than in their country(probably).Some people come to discover the beauties and wonders of Morocco. These people cometo discover a new way of living.


Today I subscribed to a podcasr called twilight. It informs me about the twilight saga. For example it tells me about the movie , who are the actors starring in the movie what are the relaease dates for it etc. It also tells me about the twilight soundtrack what are the songs featured in the movie. Finalljy it tells me all I need to know to be to dateon the twilight phenomonon

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why is History Important?

  1. History is important, because history repeats itself. So by learning about history we can learn from other's mistakes.

  2. Also, history is interesting. There is always something new to learn in histrory .

  3. Thirdly, by learning history we learn human nature and this helps us understand humankind better.

  4. Also, History is part of our culture, it helps us understand who we are.

  5. Finally history helps us evolve as individuals, as a community and as a living race.

So it is important that we all learn history because it will not only benifit us individullly but also humankind.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Colonization in Morocco

Morocco was colonized by french troups in the year 1912. This affected Morocco in a positive way because it intoduced Morocco to Western technology and ideas ( routes, trains,language....). The negative influence of the french colonization of Morocco is that even though the colonization of Morocco by the french ended in 1952, the impact of the colonization is still present today. For example, one of the most common language in Morocco is French. Many Moroccans go to french schools which have the french educational system. Finally, the colonization had both a positive and a negatice impact on Morocco.

Monday, September 7, 2009


ESPRAT+G helps you understand Social Studies fully because it covers all the areas of social studies including, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Religion, Arts, Technology and Geography. This website regroupes all this information together giving us a definition for every branch. As well as and overview and a commerce which is like a search engine to find more information on other sites as well.

Arrested for Wearing Trousers

A woman named Ms.Hussein was arrested in Sudan for wearing trousers. She was asked to pay a fine of about 200 dollars but refused because she wanted to be a test case for women rights. So she was arrested. Other women were also asked to pay a fine , but they just pleaded guilty and paid the fine. Some of these women were Christian and normally they are not subject to this law. Anyway Ms. Hussein was brave enough to stand up to the police and is an example for us.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life Skills

There are three main life skills which will help you in your life as an adult. The first is responsibility because when you are irresponsible the consequences do not only affect you but your family and loved ones too. The second is that you have to be a good role model because your children look up to you. Finally, you have to be respectful, so your children do the same and grow up to be well mannered, polite human beings.

Why is Blogging good?

1. Both the students and the teachers learn from each other.
2. Motivates you to write more.
3. It is Fun!!
4. Teaches students to use a computer safely.
5. Helps students learn in a new way

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Goals

My goals for this year are that first I sucessfully finish my freshman year. Secondly I would like to always finish my homework in time. I would also like to participate and understand all my classes. I would also like to be prepered in every class.I would also like not to lose anything and finally I would like to have a great year.